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 New Moon Tuesday January 27 2009

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Join date : 2009-01-05

New Moon Tuesday January 27 2009 Empty
PostSubject: New Moon Tuesday January 27 2009   New Moon Tuesday January 27 2009 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 12:11 pm

On Tuesday January 27, 2009 the new moon was sighted from Israel. The
new moon was first sighted from Jerusalem by Ziw Arieli at 17:25 and a
few seconds later by Nehemia Gordon. Over the next few minutes the
moon was sighted from the same location by Miri Burgin, Johan Schutte,
Rilla Auzolat, Joelle Crawshaw, Devorah Gordon, CB Newman, Avi Marcus,
Dina Marcus, Arieh Levi, and Valerie Knowles. The moon was also
sighted from Haifa by Neria Haroeh at 17:30 and from Kefar Eldad by
Bruce Brill.

Chodesh Mevurach!
Blessed New Moon Day!
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New Moon Tuesday January 27 2009
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