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 Report: Israeli troops fired at from Syria

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Report: Israeli troops fired at from Syria Empty
PostSubject: Report: Israeli troops fired at from Syria   Report: Israeli troops fired at from Syria Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 2:27 pm

Report: Israeli troops fired at from Syria
Sun, 11 Jan 2009 16:19:56 GMT

Israeli troops along the northern border with Syria have come under fire from the Syrian side of the border, military sources claim.

"A person opened fire at a group of soldiers and civilians repairing the fence along the border with Syria," a senior Israeli military official told AFP Sunday.

The incident, which took place near the Israeli occupied Golan Heights, did not result in any casualties.

The official added that "UN forces are currently conducting searches along the Syrian side of the border."

The development came as Israel continues its 16-day long offensive against the Gaza Strip, killing at least 888 people including women and children.

Operation Cast Lead, which provoked international outrage, has also left another 3,800 people wounded since it was launched on December 27.

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Report: Israeli troops fired at from Syria
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